


Featured image for “Planning for the End: A review of the quality of care provided to adult patients  towards the end of life”
23 December 2024

Planning for the End: A review of the quality of care provided to adult patients towards the end of life

No excerpt…

28 October 2024

“Systemic Failures and Rising Risks: How Washington’s ‘Death with Dignity Act’ Endangers Vulnerable Lives”

Lethal Non-Compliance with Washington’s “Death with Dignity Act” – Doerflinger In his 2022 analysis, “Lethal Non-Compliance with Washington’s ‘Death with…

Featured image for “Assisted dying: too many “complicating factors” to be safely implemented, says British public in new poll”
26 July 2024

Assisted dying: too many “complicating factors” to be safely implemented, says British public in new poll

A new poll, commissioned by Living and Dying Well, has found the British public believe there are too many ‘complicating…

Featured image for “The Netherlands: What’s The Situation?”
23 July 2024

The Netherlands: What’s The Situation?

In 2002, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalise ‘assisted dying’ (an umbrella term that includes…

Featured image for “Euthanasia requests in dementia cases leaves emotional burden on Dutch doctors”
21 May 2024

Euthanasia requests in dementia cases leaves emotional burden on Dutch doctors

Over the past several years, cases of euthanasia for dementia cases have increased markedly in the Netherlands. In 2023, there…

Featured image for “Efficacy and safety of drugs used for ‘assisted dying’”
20 May 2024

Efficacy and safety of drugs used for ‘assisted dying’

A research paper written by Ana Worthington, Ilora Finlay and Claud Regnard has investigated the safety of drugs used in…

Featured image for “Revisiting the Mackay Committee into Assisted Dying”
20 May 2024

Revisiting the Mackay Committee into Assisted Dying

In 2005, the House of Lords Select Committee on the Assisted Dying Bill for the Terminally Ill Bill presented its…

Featured image for “Euthanasia on solely mental health grounds increased in the Netherlands during 2023”
19 April 2024

Euthanasia on solely mental health grounds increased in the Netherlands during 2023

The Netherlands has published its annual data report for assisted dying in 2023. The report shows a large increase in…

Featured image for “Isle of Man doctors reject assisted dying proposals in a survey”
26 March 2024

Isle of Man doctors reject assisted dying proposals in a survey

A survey carried out by the Isle of Man Medical Society has “overwhelmingly rejected” proposed assisted dying laws. Some 74%…

Featured image for “2023 in Oregon: 137 hours to die”
26 March 2024

2023 in Oregon: 137 hours to die

The US state of Oregon has published its annual data for assisted suicides in 2023. The data shows a marked…

Featured image for “MAiD and Mental Health – the “Reckless” Road Ahead”
28 February 2024

MAiD and Mental Health – the “Reckless” Road Ahead

The Canadian Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) has published a scathing report into the government’s proposed…

Featured image for “Unassisted Suicides Increase in Victoria, Australia, After Assisted Dying is Legalised”
19 January 2024

Unassisted Suicides Increase in Victoria, Australia, After Assisted Dying is Legalised

New research published in the Journal of Ethics in Mental Health (accessible here) has found that following the introduction of…

Featured image for “Denmark’s Ethics Council Advises Against the Legalisation of Assisted Dying”
1 November 2023

Denmark’s Ethics Council Advises Against the Legalisation of Assisted Dying

The Danish Ethics Council have published a new report following a comprehensive investigation into assisted dying during which they considered…

Featured image for “Assisted Dying in Canada During 2022: A Worrying Trend”
26 October 2023

Assisted Dying in Canada During 2022: A Worrying Trend

Please find the full report available as a PDF here. Canada’s long awaited Medical Assistant in Dying (MAiD) report for…

Featured image for “Oregon Death with Dignity Act Access: 25 Year Analysis”
10 October 2023

Oregon Death with Dignity Act Access: 25 Year Analysis

Please find the full British Medical Journal article available to view and download as a PDF here. Critical data gaps…

Featured image for “Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide in People with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorders: Investigation of 39 Dutch Case Reports (2012–2021)”
8 June 2023

Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide in People with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorders: Investigation of 39 Dutch Case Reports (2012–2021)

Please find below a paper by Dr Irene Tuffrey-Wijne, Baroness Ilora Finlay, Baroness Sheila Hollins and Prof Leopold Curfs investigating…

Featured image for “Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology: Assisted Dying”
14 November 2022

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology: Assisted Dying

This POSTbrief provides a brief overview of assisted dying, including ethical debate and stakeholder opinion. It examines how assisted dying…

Featured image for “Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology: Palliative Care”
14 November 2022

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology: Palliative Care

Palliative and end of life care are increasingly in demand as people are living longer and with multiple long-term conditions.…

27 December 2017

True cost? or true facts?

Living and Dying Well responds to a recent document published by campaigners for physician-assisted suicide. In November 2017 the campaigning…

8 June 2016

A thoughtful report which deserves careful consideration.

The BMA’s End-of Life Care and Physician-Assisted Dying report contains much valuable material and warrants careful study. The BMA has…

18 January 2016

The changing face of dying.

“We should challenge the conspiracy of silence that leaves many of us to live misinformed and unnecessarily fearful”, says senior…

4 September 2015

Assisted Dying No.2 Bill.

Should Parliament License Assistance with Suicide? A supplementary report. In our last report, we examined proposals by Lord Falconer and…

21 July 2015

Should Parliament license assistance with suicide?

An analysis of proposals currently before Parliament. There are currently two Private Member bills in Parliament seeking to legalise assisted…

15 July 2014

The Assisted Dying Bill (HL Bill 6): A critique.

An analysis by members of the House of Lords of the Assisted Dying Bill. Lord Falconer re-tabled his Assisted Dying…

4 November 2013

‘Assisted Dying’ and the law.

An analysis of the Suicide Act 1961 and of how it works in practice. In a report published today, three…

16 July 2013

Mental capacity and assisted suicide.

To what extent can mental capacity be reliably assessed in patients seeking physician-assisted suicide? In a report published today, psychiatrist…

20 June 2013

Another ‘Assisted Dying’ Bill: Does it pass the public safety test?

An Analysis of the Assisted Dying Bill. Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill had its First Reading in the House of Lords…

28 February 2012

Considering the evidence.

An analysis of the report of the Commission on Assisted Dying and of its published evidence. The self-styled Commission on…

12 September 2011

Parliament needs evidence, not soundbites or spin.

Claims that legalising ‘assisted dying’ would be safe do not stand up to careful scrutiny. In this critique Professor Baroness…

24 April 2011

A Question of Public Safety.

A fundamental reappraisal is needed of the concept of safeguards for ‘assisted dying’. In this paper published today, co-Chairs of…

31 January 2011

Paliative care: What is it? and what has it got to do with ‘Assisted Dying’?

An analysis of the place of palliative care in Britain and its relation to ‘assisted dying’. Dr Charles Skinner, a…

28 September 2010

What’s happening in Oregon?

An analysis of the evolution of the Death with Dignity Act in the US state of Oregon. In this report,…

1 September 2010

‘Assisted Dying’: The law.

What is the law on ‘assisted dying’? And how has it evolved to its present position? In this paper barrister…

30 June 2010

Autonomy and assisted suicide.

Baroness Onoroa O’Neill addresses the issue of autonomy and how it relates to calls for the legalisation of assisted suicide.…

9 July 2009

Coroners and Justice Bill – Encouraging or Assisting Suicide.

Debate on Lord Falconer’s proposed amendment to the Coroners and Justice Bill – 7 July 2009. The Coroners and Justice…


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