The changing face of dying.

“We should challenge the conspiracy of silence that leaves many of us to live misinformed and unnecessarily fearful”, says senior doctor.

In a paper published today by Living and Dying Well (LDW) a senior doctor challenges ‘the conspiracy of silence that leaves many of us to live misinformed and fearful’ about death and dying.  In her paper (“What Happens When We Die?”) Dr Kathryn Mannix, a consultant in palliative medicine at the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation and a former Medical Director of the Marie Curie Hospice, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, explores how the pattern of dying has changed over recent decades and suggests that increasing unfamiliarity with the dying process on the part of the general public has increased fears of dying which are often groundless.  A copy of Dr Mannix’s paper can be found here.


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