Analysis and Comment

This section of our website analyses specific aspects of the end-of-life debate

Browse our analysis and comments for a more focused view.

Submission to the Health and Social Care Committee

Please find below Living and Dying Well’s submission to the Health and Social Care Committee....

Response to the Health and Social Care Committee Report

Please find below Living and Dying Well’s press release responding to the Health and Social....

Unassisted Suicides Increase in Victoria, Australia, After Assisted Dying is Legalised

New research published in the Journal of Ethics in Mental Health (accessible here) has found that....


Living and Dying Well was set up in 2010 to provide clear thinking on the end-of-life debate.

We are a not-for-profit organisation and we rely on donations to support our work.  Our Patrons and Members include experts in the law, medicine, mental health, ethics and other disciplines related to the end-of-life debate.

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