Living and Dying Well
Providing research and analysis of the evidence surrounding the 'assisted dying' debate. We aim to present readers with reliable information on which to form their own views.
17th of February
Psychiatrist shortage could derail assisted dying bill
The Spectator
17th of February
‘Not enough psychiatrists’ to make assisted dying Bill work
The Telegraph
16th of February
Voices that oppose the assisted dying bill aren’t ‘noise’. They are vital scrutiny
The Observer
15th of February
Patients deserve better than this slapdash assisted dying bill
The Sunday Times
14th of February
Chris Whitty admits he got assisted dying evidence wrong
The Telegraph
14th of February
The concerted attack on assisted dying won’t stop the public supporting this bill
The Guardian
14th of February
Assisted dying bill critics attack plan for ‘civil service tsar’ to oversee panels
The Guardian
13th of February
‘Death tsar’ proposal energises opponents of assisted dying bill
The Times
13th of February
Justice chief suggested assisted dying bill drop court safeguard
The Times
13th of February
Kim Leadbeater can’t rule out patients choosing assisted dying to save money
The Telegraph
12th of February
Assisted dying bill: experts warn of ‘slippery slope’ of amendments
The Times
12th of February
First MPs U-turn on support for assisted dying bill after High Court judge safeguard removed
The Independent
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