Recent News

21st June 2024

The principle of assisted dying - and the practice.

The Guardian

30th May 2024

'I was offered assisted dying over cancer treatment'


14th May 2024

'Better Off Dead?' - click here to view the documentary on BBC iPlayer

BBC iPlayer

14th May 2024

Better Off Dead? review - Liz Carr's blistering film may well change your mind on assisted dying

The Guardian

1st May 2024

I can truly see the case for assisted dying. But the horrific state of the NHS makes me question if its the best idea.

The Guardian

28th April 2024

Don't assume we will get assisted dying right

The Times

9th April 2024

Expand Belgian euthanasia laws to prevent social care crisis, says insurance boss

The Times

8th April 2024

When the right to die becomes the duty to die, who will step in to save those most at risk?

The Guardian

2nd April 2024

'I'm 28. And I'm scheduled to die in May.'

The Free Press

24th March 2024

Only Irish exceptionalism can explain the rush to legislate for assisted dying

The Irish Times

16th March 2024

Why we don't need another vote on euthanasia 

The Spectator

3rd March 2024

Thousands of doctors voice opposition to law that would legalise assisted dying

The Sunday Post

20th February 2024

Woman found father deadafter he took assisted dying drugs meant for someone else, Queensland inquest hears

The Guardian

1st February 2024

Canada again delays assisted dying for the mentally ill

BBC News

1st January 2024

Why assisted dying should remain illegal

The Guardian

24th December 2023

For many, the case for assisted dying is clear. But life - and death - is often not so simple. 

The Guardian

13th November 2023

AMA retains policy against assisted suicide

National Review

4th October 2023

Denmark's Ethics Council advises against legalising euthanasia

The Local, DK

30th April 2022

Why is Canada euthanising the poor?

The Spectator, Australia

29th April 2022

Assisted suicide laws increase suicide rates, especially among women

Vox EU

28th April 2022

Rapid Response: Legalising the encouragement and assistance of suicide will not help prevent suicide

David A Jones, BMJ

23rd April 2022

Rapid Response to ONS suicide data analysis

Prof Katherine Sleeman, BMJ

22nd April 2022

Rapid Response: ONS data confirms that suicide prevention is crucial

Dr Claud Regnard, BMJ

22nd April 2022

Rapid Response to ONS suicide data analysis

Baroness Ilora Finlay, BMJ

13th April 2022

Connecticut assisted suicide bill is defeated again

Click here for link to Stephen Mendelsohn's Testimony

25th March 2022

The liberal, humanist case against assisted dying

Kevin Yuill, Spiked!

14th March 2022

No law should imply you’re better off dead than disabled

Lord Shinkwin, The Times

7th March 2022

Assisted dying laws in Scotland ‘could hide a Dr Shipman’

Baroness Grey-Thompson, The Times

25th February 2022

End-of-life care will become a legal right

The Times

20th February 2022

My red lights flash over new norms around assisted dying

The Sunday Times

20th February 2022

Hospice care is a right, not a luxury

The Observer

18th February 2022

The Second Reading of The Assisted Dying Bill in the House of Lords: A critique


26th January 2022

Public are being 'scared' into supporting assisted suicide, doctors warn

The Telegraph

25th January 2022

Let’s keep the Health Bill about health, not assisted dying

Baroness Fraser, The Times

14th January 2022

Interview: CPS Guidance consultation on 'mercy killings'

Baroness Finlay, Radio 4 Today

12th January 2022

ICS leaders must prioritise care for dying people

Matthew Reed, HSJ

12th January 2022

Former MSP who lost four children against plans for legalising assisted dying in Scotland

The Daily Record

7th January 2022

'Assisted dying' risks being seen and used as a cheap solution for human suffering

Baroness Finlay, Politics Home

4th January 2022

Assisted dying Bill condemned over 'pressure' to vulnerable people to end their lives

The Herald

30th December 2021

Palliative care for all is better than assisted suicide

The Times

30th December 2021

Doctors tell MSPs to block Assisted Dying

The Times

30th December 2021

Psychiatrists come out against assisted dying Bill in new paper

The Irish Times

16th December 2021

Listen to the vulnerable in assisted suicide debate

Lord McColl, The Times

8th December 2021

Kill the pain… not the patient – why we should improve palliative care not rush to approve assisted dying

Emelita Robbins, Jersey Evening Post

24th November 2021

A slippery slope? Assisted dying opponents take international concerns to Holyrood

The Press and Journal

23rd November 2021

Medics urge ministers to vote against legalising assisted dying

BBC News

13th November 2021

Assisted-Suicide Mendacity: Today’s ‘Strict Protections’ Become Tomorrow’s Unjust ‘Barriers’

National Review

27th October 2021

Physician-Assisted Suicide and the Autonomy Myth

The Psychiatric Times

26th October 2021

Is the Assisted Dying Bill still the wrong answer to the wrong question?

The Article

26th October 2021

Safety is a key principle in assisted dying

The Bailiwick Express, Jersey

26th October 2021

Assisted dying bill may lead to coercion, doctors warn

The Times

22nd October 2021

Disabled people need more help to live, not to die

Baroness Campbell, The Guardian

22nd October 2021

There are no safeguards when it comes to euthanasia

Melanie McDonagh, The Spectator

22nd October 2021

Opinion polls and the assisted dying debate

Letters, The Times

21st October 2021

The Assisted Dying Bill is based on shaky evidence

Dr Carol Davis, Unherd

21st October 2021

Gordon Brown criticises move to legalise assisted dying

The Times

21st October 2021

Legalising assisted dying would be a slippery slope

Gordon Brown, The Times

21st October 2021

Assisted dying: a warning from Canada


19th October 2021

‘We would not take patients’ lives’ - hundreds of doctors take stand against assisted suicide law

The Telegraph

3rd October 2021

Assisted dying will always be open to bullying and exploitation

Lord Hunt, The Telegraph

12th September 2021

Former Archbishop of Canterbury opposes 'Assisted Dying' Bill

The British Medical Journal