Living and Dying Well
Providing research and analysis of the evidence surrounding the 'assisted dying' debate. We aim to present readers with reliable information on which to form their own views.
3rd of February
The 'father of assisted dying' helped three of his relatives kill themselves. His sinister life story highlights the flaws at the heart of today's Bill
The Mail Online
3rd of February
MPs warned over lack of drug oversight in assisted dying bill
The Times
30th of January
Psychiatrists ‘can’t assess if patients have mental capacity to want to end their lives’
The Telegraph
29th of January
If liberals oppose the death penalty, they must oppose assisted dying too
The Telegraph
29th of January
Terminally ill ‘do not have free choice’ on assisted dying
The Telegraph
28th of January
The Times view on debating the assisted dying bill: Free Choice
The Times
28th of January
Chris Whitty calls for simple assisted dying rules – but his evidence could not be more complicated
The Telegraph
28th of January
Expand assisted dying bill to help those with Parkinson’s, MPs to hear
The Guardian
27th of January
Kim Leadbeater in ‘daily’ talks on assisted dying bill amendments
The Times
37th of January
Is assisted dying a ‘clear and present danger’ to people with disabilities?
The Guardian
27th of January
Diabetic MP’s bid to ensure her condition is not included as cause for assisted death
The Independant
26th of January
‘Right to die’ must not become a duty, says former home secretary
The Times
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